Between Necessity and Contingency
In her book The Posthuman (2013), Rosi Braidotti suggests that a sense of shared vulnerability in the face of annihilation might defamiliarise the dominant forms of humanity and compel humans to think more carefully and critically about ‘what we are actually in the process of becoming’.  What comes to matter in this work is a quest for horizontality and a shared sense of vulnerability.
 This work was originally conceived as an encounter between human and non-human. Constructed in the Project Space Plus Gallery in Lincoln Arts Centre each element was integral to the work's ongoing existence. This work considered whether a human element could exhibit an equitable distribution of power alongside the other discrete elements during a performance. Could the essential symbiosis for survival and evolution be alluded to through these unexpected arrangements?​​​​​​​
Sound is conceived as an invitational threshold extending beyond the site of the work: a siren song drawing us in.
More than this though its repetitive deep long notes filled the space, heightening an awareness of the shape and texture of the natural and manmade forms and their movements.
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